Moreover, criminal activities will increase. Such practices can be associated with soil erosion or depletion. Post . Overpopulation has recognized as a global environmental problem since few decades, as it has caused a number of adverse effects on environment. The causes of overpopulation are apparent but not easy to address. First of all, many experts cite poverty as the top cause of overpopulation. Share It. Scientists all across the world are worried about the changing global weather cycle and constant rise in the average world temperature. It can also destroy the environment around them. United Nations. Ever of species, the birth and death rate have always been the option to adjust each and keep up a population development rate. Also, it makes sense that overpopulated places become dirty quickly. Overpopulation affects the environment by putting pressure on resources such as water, food and energy. In all, the effects of overpopulation are severe, but it’s not too late to manage them. The NHS warns that no contraceptive is 100% efficient, and is even less so when misused. Effects of overpopulation. However, the use of more land comes with deforestation, which is especially severe in the Amazonian Rainforest. These environmental problems have been growing at an alarming rate. Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. Overpopulation has a serious impact on our planet. As only roughly 1% of the world’s water is fresh and accessible, this creates a major issue. Rick LeBlanc wrote about sustainability and supply chain topics for The Balance Small Business. Human population growth and climate change have grown hand in hand as the use of fossil fuels has exploded to support industrialized societies. "Effects of Deforestation." Over the past years, the global population has been increasing and this has been coupled with the overuse of natural gases and coal. Also consider that population growth is most rapid in part of the world where water is in high demand already, such as Africa and Asia. . ResourceWatch. The number of positions available in companies is always limited. Human overpopulation Problems are not limited to society alone. Pollution, soil degradation, deforestation and loss of biodiversity are further effects of overpopulation on the environment. When talking about environmental degradation in relation to overpopulation, the human population is having profound effects on the flow of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from driving cars, transporting goods, running agricultural systems, heating and lighting homes and businesses, and from deforestation (Ehrlich, 2012). "The Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone." Agriculture, as mentioned above, is responsible for about 80% of global deforestation. Global problems affect the life not only of certain individuals but the society in general. It is not novel to us that overpopulation does have a negative impact on the environment. A population that’s too high may be harmful to a country and its economy. National Institutes of Health. It threatens the near future of the planet in economic, environmental and social terms. Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. United Nations. All rights reserved. "Water Facts - Worldwide Water Supply." Dangerous viruses such as smallpox, tuberculosis, and polio are almost non-existent in developed countries. Stanford University describes how it can have a negative impact on public health. The effects of overpopulation are too apparent to ignore.A population that’s too high may be harmful to a country and its economy. Moreover, the rising population has been followed by the increase in the number of industries and … Tweet . Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. While a lot of positive steps are being taken to better ensure the sustainability of humans on our planet, the problem of having too many people has made lasting solutions more challenging to find. What Are the Best and Most Popular Forms of Clean Energy? Their suffering may include a shortage of food, limited access to healthcare and other public services, overcrowding, and high unemployment. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Overpopulation is largely attributed to trends such as people living longer and enjoying higher live birth rates. Overpopulation and Our Environment. Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. Only 2.5 percent of water resources are fresh water, and just a small fraction of that is available as unpolluted drinking water., One of the byproducts of population growth has been stress on freshwater supplies. How Food Systems Can Be Measured for Their Sustainability. U.S. Census Bureau. Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. There has been more human-caused environmental disgrace in the last few thousands years than ever before, and with the population increasing five times its size in the last 300 years it is no wonder overpopulation has such a staggering impact in all areas of our health. Most women can now have children. Throughout this blog I am going to try to cover some top environmental issues facing our world today. Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. Here are some of the effects of overpopulation. Furthermore by making people aware of family planning, we can control overpopulation. Learn More → More than 7 billion people share the Earth and its natural resources. Overpopulation will place great demands on resources and land, leading to widespread environmental issues in addition to impacting global economies and standards of living. Making it a national security issue can make people keenly aware of the problem. "U.S. Census Bureau Estimates 7.58 Billion People on Earth on World Population Day." While new technologies have increased many people's standard of living, this overpopulation also deprives other people of a … The links between the two problems are undeniable, and reducing the rate of population growth is crucial to bringing global warming under control. Take time to understand the issues, and support policies that will make a difference. Alternatively, they can launch worldwide multimedia campaigns. Unexpected pregnancies, often a result of poor planning, leads to overpopulation. This has also had devastating effects on the air and the environment in general. An increase of people in places of residence can cause infections to spread. Overpopulation thus contributes to some of the most compelling environmental problems which encompass: Depletion of Natural Resources As human population keeps on enlarging, exhaustible natural resources such as arable land, coral reefs, fresh water, fossil fuels, and wilderness forests continue to … "Clothing, Furniture Also to Blame for Ocean and Freshwater Pollution." Overpopulation has a vast adverse effect on the environmental system. In light of climate change, species extinctions, and other looming environmental crises, Trevor Hedberg argues that we have a collective moral duty to halt population growth to prevent environmental harms from escalating. They claim that we will not be short of food because we consume higher energy, more cost-friendly foods than before. There are issues aplenty to overcome. The Effects of Population Growth on Economic Development. Loss of biodiversity. Possible Effects of Overpopulation. "Clothing, Furniture Play a Role in Ocean and Freshwater Pollution." Deforestation destroys the natural habitats of wild animals. Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. The world population is growing at an alarming rate. "Deforestation and Greenhouse Gases." Overpopulation exacerbates many social and environmental factors, including overcrowded living conditions, pollution, malnutrition and inadequate or non-existent health care, which wreak havoc on the poor and increase their likelihood of being exposed to infections diseases. Creative solutions and effort are needed. Although some regions are more populated than others, overpopulation has repercussions for the environment and everyone who shares it. Volcanic Eruptions Are Increasing and Nobody Knows the Reason, Why Is Vegan Lifestyle Becoming So Popular? In the past fifty years, the development of population has blasted and transformed into overpopulation. Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. However, in the long run, is the exponential growth of humans beings good for the planet? These are a few reasons for the population booms in countries. Is overpopulation having a negative effect on the environment and economic stability? Source: Overcrowding in some countries has compromised their national security. "Water Scarcity." More people means we need more food, more wood products, and more firewood. Overpopulation effects all other aspects of our health and the environment in which we live. Death rates have lowered because of advancements in medical technology. However, other statistics prove otherwise. He has been covering the pallet and packaging industries for 25 years. Consequently, there is a decrease in water in some places and saltwater intrusion in others, significantly reducing drinking water. Pollution is the major cause of overpopulation on air. Related. Some of its effects on the environment are given below: Consumption of Natural Resources. Such measures may be met through more intensive farming, or through deforestation to create new farm lands, which in turn can have negative outcomes. Moving them out will redistribute the population to less crowded areas. Oddly enough, the overpopulation of an area can occur without a net gain of population. The process is ideal for childless couples and anyone who is concerned about excess population growth. Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. The Earth can just deliver finite quantities of food and water, which are in high demand. Major impacts on the environment resulting from overpopulation One of the major ways in which overpopulations affects the environment is through water pollution. "The Sources and Solutions: Agriculture." Earth has the capacity to only produce a limited amount of food and water, falling short of current needs of the people which are increasing day by day. Here are some … The Environmental Impacts of Overpopulation, 5 Reasons We Should Care About Saving Water, The Basics of Clothing and Textile Recycling, What You Should Know About Vertical Farming, 6 Ways to Reduce CO2 Emissions in Industry and Fight Climate Change, Learn About the World's Top Renewable Energy Companies. Accessed Jan 12, 2021. (and What You Should Know about It), Experiment Demonstrates How Human Thoughts Alter the Structure of Water. Massive population growth can prove problematic. These people move to other countries to seek them. Other major sources of eutrophication are industry and sewage disposal--both related to population growth. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some may object and point to America’s plentiful and vast open spaces as outlets for a growing population and urban/suburban sprawl. She earned a Bachelor of Arts (English and Literature) from the National Institute of Education/Nanyang Technological University of Singapore. Governments can make it creative and fun. The current population of the Earth is almost 7.6 billion people and growing. It is projected to reach over 8 billion by 2025, 9 billion by 2040, and a whopping 11 billion by 2100. Population is growing rapidly, far outpacing the ability of our planet to support it, given current practices. "Electricity Explained." Another of the effects of overpopulation is poverty. Email . Deforestation is another important component of greenhouse gas emissions. Here’s why. Agricultural runoff is one of the main causes of eutrophication, the presence of excessive nutrients in bodies of waster, such as large pockets like the Dead Zone of the Gulf of Mexico. Worldwide, there are more than 400 marine 'dead zones' caused by eutrophication, collectively covering an area six times the size of Switzerland., Eutrophication causes the dense growth of plant life that consumes oxygen, resulting in the death of aquatic animals. Environmental effects of overpopulation. Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. This book examines the link between population growth and environmental impact and explores the implications of this connection for the ethics of procreation. Police forces find it difficult to maintain law and order when the population rate is too high. Indeed, education has a significant part to play in curbing overpopulation. The Effects of Overpopulation on Environment Essay Sample. Overpopulation can have several effects on the environment, as well as other species within an ecological system. Biodiversity. However, other statistics prove otherwise. This is a question that in one form or another has been asked for years. There are several direct consequences of overpopulation:. The most obvious effect of overpopulation is the impact on the environment. Also, society can do its small part by not judging couples who choose not to have children. We answer these questions in this article. Below are some of the key sustainability challenges associated with overpopulation. Overpopulation of specific locations can also result from migration. The natural flora and fauna have been under constant pressure to adapt to a quickly changing environment. Accessed Jan. 12, 2021. Most fossil fuel consumption comes from developed countries. It is a sobering thought that most developing nations aspire to similar industrial economies as they experience economic growth, which further escalates CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. He reveals that the United States is experiencing population growth at a faster rate than any other developed country. The Balance Small Business uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. "The World Population Explosion: Causes, Backgrounds and Projections for the Future." Countries should comprise at least 30% forest. Food Shortage; Increase in Malignant Diseases; Higher Prices; Higher Levels of Pollution; Due to the abrupt population explosion, numerous problems have evolved. What is the Environmental Impact of Coal? Loss of fresh water. Human population increase is related to all of these deforestation pressures. These have reached 500 million people in 50 different countries. Carleton College Science Education Resource Center. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that the global population will increase to 8 billion by 2025, and as the population increases, the demand for natural resources will increase as well. According to this study, reduced mortality leads to overpopulation. There are multiple ways through which overpopulation affects the environment. The Environmental Impact of Overpopulation The United States’ rapidly expanding metropolitan areas are already overcrowded and contributing to overpopulation on a national scale. For the sake of simplicity they are listed separately, but understand the connections between them are complicated, which makes them more challenging to manage. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Public transport and water systems become strained. Due to his destructive activities, man has extracted more and more minerals from the earth. |, 9 Real Effects of Overpopulation on the Environment, 5 Money Management Tips That Will Help You in a Long Run, 9 Millennial Traits That Make Them Different from Others, What Is the Deadliest Animal in the World? World Economic Forum. Human overpopulation is among the most pressing environmental issues, silently aggravating the forces behind global warming, environmental pollution, habitat loss, the sixth mass extinction, intensive farming practices and the consumption of finite natural resources, such as fresh water, arable land and fossil fuels, at speeds faster than their rate of regeneration.

effects of overpopulation on the environment 2021