The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely our own. Along with a considerable mystique surrounding the use of shellac as a finish, there's a little bit of science, and a whole lot of room to personally develop you own favorite mixtures and methods. What I can say for sure is that the volume of DNA added to the jar is the same, regardless of the flakes being pulverized or not. While wood conditioner helps in that situation, it is often not adequate. ;) And yeah that shirt was a pretty happy accident, haha. of shellac flakes dissolved in 16 oz. If you want to build a shellac finish, use heavier cuts - 3 lb. A 3 pound cut is generally reserved for priming or sealing of stains, and sap, or knots prior to painting, especially on softer woods. … Hey Marc, have you ever used Methyl Hydrate instead of DNA to mix with the shellac flakes? Required fields are marked *. ft. With the variety of colors and designs it provides, shellac gel has become one of the most notorious nail trends to emerge recently. The shellac is gathered by cutting the infected twigs from the trees. And yeah, I love the smell of denatured alcohol, too. Pour in Behkol solvent or denatured alcohol and set the mixture aside to dissolve. No mention of alcohol, which worked perfectly and left a fine bouquet. So, 1 pound of flakes mixed in 1 gallon of alcohol makes a 1-pound cut. Always use a Dewaxed Shellac as a primer under paint or as a seal-coat under clear finishes. Where is that shop monkey, he’d back me up on this? (Some finishes won't stick to the wax in natural shellac.) Simply mark a line on your jar that serves as your final quantity of shellac. Designed and developed by Underscorefunk Design. Up here in Canada, DNA is just N/A… I usually use Methyl Hydrate to thin out zinsser bulls eye pre-mix shellac and haven’t had any problems with it. Also, about the spray gun cleaning - I use only one gun, spraying lacquer thinner through it after every use. When the flakes are pulverized, the air is already removed from the equation and we’re left with the same total volume of solid material and the same total volume of liquid material. When it comes to qualifications, what skill set should … The Wood Whisperer, The Wood Whisperer Guild, TWW, and TWW Guild are trademarks of The Wood Whisperer Inc. All rights reserved. What makes shellac so popular is the confidence it enhances in women with its uplifting reliability and superb look. 2lbs to one gallon (2lb cut) is of course mixing volume and weight. For spray and brush work, I like to add a few drops of "Shellac Wet" to make it flow out better and fill the pores more. What cut of shellac should I use? It should be as lint-free as possible. is about right - and brush it on with a badger or china bristle brush. I’ve had the same problem in southern Ontario. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. A 1b cut is 1 US gallon of denatured alcohol to 1lb (16oz) shellac flakes.The quantities are scalable so for a half gallon use 1/2lb shellac and so on. Do not shake the shellac but rather stir it or roll the container in your hands prior or use a stir stick. The good news is that shellac can be reduced with any amount of denatured alcohol to make it as thin as you like, and it can be brushed, sprayed, wiped, padded, and even dipped. For international returns, please click here. What really matters is how it applies to the surface. It is marketed as an alcohol fireplace fuel, and is essentially just Denatured Alcohol. Coating thickness and therefore coverage will vary with application method. Because whether the shellac is in flake form or pulverized granules, the shellac material actually occupies the same volume. MSDS states 85-95% ethanol, and I think 5% isopropyl. Common shellac thinning ratios range from a two- to a five-pound cut. If you aren’t familiar with shellac dilutions, here’s the quick primer. range - you can use a brush or a rag to apply the shellac. Since shellac dries quickly, be careful to avoid drips or blotchy areas when applying because unlike other finishes, you will likely not have time to over-brush to eliminate the blemish. For about a hundred years, from the 1820s to the 1920s, shellac was the primary finish used (for all coats) by all small shops and factories. The first is that there is no industry regulation regarding what precisely constitutes denatured alcohol. Thanks for providing 25% more irony with your t-shirt choice. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the merchandise you ordered, just return it within 90 days to receive a refund in the manner of original payment for merchandise only. More fun ensues when you want to learn how to go from one dilution to another. Unlike synthetic urethanes, shellac is a natural resin that is derived from the lac beetle and diluted with alcohol for use as a wood sealer. To make a 2 lb cut, I don’t rely on scales and graduated cylinders. cut. You may also return purchases to a Rockler store near you for store credit. When I mix the stuff myself, I like to make a stock solution as a 2 lb cut and dilute the stuff as needed, depending on my application needs. Apply shellac to main body of the floor using a lambs' wool applicator following the grain of the wood. But it’s close enough. Will make it an easier shellac that will flow better. By the way, this isn’t a new concept. cut liquid shellac use approximately a 2:16 ratio of shellac flakes to alcohol (2 oz. This is your shellac flake line. cut de-waxed shellac applied by rag. Learn more about shellac wood finish here. Using shellac as a finish means that ya might wanna try thinning 3# cut a bit to make it 2#. The opening photo is a great example of the separation , unlike wax in shellac that settles to the bottom, the oil rises to the top. Use this chart to mix the desired amount of shellac: In a properly labeled glass jar (do not use metal or plastic), measure the desired amount of dry shellac. I usually go with a 1# cut on sealing when using Zinsser Seal Coat. It’s practical to make a 2lb cut for general application. Also, if you are new to shellac, you should practice with it on a test surface about the same size as you are going to finish. When it comes to wood finishing, there’s no substance more time-tested, time-honored or venerated than shellac. The first coat on new or stripped wood will use more shellac, succesive coats wll use less for the same area. While many prefer a “two-pound cut,” I prefer to apply more thin coats than a few thick coats. Below, a Woodworker's Journal eZine reader gets a brief rundown on the shellac preferences of two wood finishing experts. A certain amount of shellac flakes are dissolved in alcohol to achieve a particular dilution known as a “pound cut” (abbreviated lb cut). You can bet it’s safe to consume, they coat candy with it after all. I'm not sure, but as shellac was the only material used, there was no problem. Your email address will not be published. This is a surface sealing, natural finish that comes from the Lac bug. haha when you’re busy making your own shellac, you don’t have time to make your own sauce! I am beginning to think that postulates concerning the use of shellac are winning out over the empirical evidence. ", From the Woodworker's Journal eZine archives. The spice grinder was a nice touch. F. 10/12/2010 Chuck Nickerson. I mistakenly used a 2:1 cut of shellac as a seal cut on oak. Cut a piece of cloth roughly 10"-12" square. I use a magnetic stirring gizmo. Shellac. *Note* – This is a clip from a 2008 video. Plus it works in the place of so many things that smell far worse. This site uses affiliate links. In doing some research I found a product called Bio Flame. A 2lb cut is two pounds of shellac to a gallon of denatured alcohol. It leaves a glossy finish if applied thick enough and buffed out. Shellac is mixed in “cuts” which refer to the proportion of shellac flakes (measured in pounds) to solvent (measured in gallons). Don’t overthink it. Instead, I ballpark it with a quick & dirty recipe. Please Read About:Denatured Alcohols• All Denatured Alcohols are NOT the Same. shellac using a brush to cut in corners and edges. This means that some brands are cut with water to increase their volume, often by as much as 20%. How much, if any, did I mess up the seal coat? Mixed with shellac, it will produce a serviceable finish. I’m totally taking away your Italian card. Noticed this not too long ago! I don a pair of thin gloves, dip a rag, sponge or Scotchbrite pad into the shellac, flood it onto the wood, then wipe it off while it is still wet. Use a 2 lb. With all due respect, you’re overthinking this a bit. Options You Have When Buying Shellac. cut of de-waxed shellac that we’ve heard nothing but good things about. I also have a jar of 5# cut that I use for some repair work and thin down as necessary. You can, of course, easily thin down a thick shellac. If you want to build a shellac finish, use heavier cuts - 3 lb. Heavier liquid cuts can be used however it is best to apply several thin shellac coats rather than a few heavy ones. Sand lightly between coats. Found at home hardware. Apply shellac to 2 or 3 board widths at a time, laying the product down in a smooth, even brushing motion. I assume you are in the USA so I’ll work in Imperial. Congratulations, you now have an approximate 2 lb cut of shellac. Apply a coat of 2-lb. Do not use cotton T-shirt type cloth or cheesecloth. Most pre-mixed shellac is sold as a 3 lb cut and is usually diluted before application. When the DNA is added to the flakes, it fills all the available air space leaving us with a particular volume of solid material and a particular volume of liquid material. Manufacturer guarantees/warranties for power tools, CNC and laser products will supersede the Rockler Guarantee if these items are damaged or defective. What?!?! If you ever research mixing shellac, you were probably overwhelmed with information about precise measurements, including weights and volumes. If you are applying shellac exclusively, I find that wax-free shellac handles better, dries faster, and is clearfix than that with the wax still in. P.S. Materials you'll need: -Shellac (In this case I made a batch of 2 lb. Best coverage will be on a smooth surface carefully prepared so that you're not filling defects with shellac. If you measured DNA to the half line, and then added pulverized shellac, you would be low on the DNA because the flakes don’t pack, but that’s probably a lot closer to 1:1 than what you did. You will find oil sitting on the surface. All content on The Wood Whisperer is copyrighted, and may not be reprinted in full form without my written consent. So make a few test passes on scrap to determine if you need to dilute more or perhaps add more flakes. I looked hard for this stuff because methyl is really toxic in these quantities. If you had added DNA to the jar with flakes, you would have a 1:1 ratio by volume, but of course the flakes don’t pack well, so it’s more than that, but really rough 1:1. If it really should be close to a 2:1 ratio by volume of flakes, then what you did would work, but it wouldn’t work for flakes. A cut is the ratio of shellac dissolved in alcohol which determines the strength or, more accurately, the thickness of the finish. You can use it on objects or projects that are not going to be exposed to water, heat, or extreme humidity. Jarred sauce! When buying shellac you will run into standard, and dewaxed variations. I probably read about this years ago in a woodworking magazine. Thank you for making this possible. The Wood Whisperer abides by word of mouth marketing standards and holds integrity in the highest regard. It should be as lint-free as possible. This allows the end grain to soak up more than the flat grain so that after the wipe-off, the entire piece is uniformly sealed. Shellac is a film-forming finish, and provides good protection from moisture. I prefer to use shellac in a container. I always start with a sealer coat of 2 lb. If you notice I look approximately 25% sexier, that would be why. I always give honest opinions, findings, and experiences on products. I’ve been using it for shellac and had no problems dissolving it. Do check your technician’s credentials. Your email address will not be published. White shellac is used for light woods and is thinned with denatured alcohol for use as a sealer. Cut a piece of cloth roughly 10"-12" square. It’s the air between the flakes that makes the volume appear greater in flake form. 1. As long as it is dewaxed, you can use shellac under virtually any other finish. The shellac I sprayed was Zinser 3# white, cut in half with the appropriate alcohol. Use a 2 lb. However, it has some problems when it comes to shellac. When you pulverize the flakes, the volume goes way down. Items shipped directly from the manufacturer cannot be returned in store. (Ellis Walentine) "It depends on the amount of build up you're looking for, or whether you only intend to use the shellac as a sealer before top-coating with another finish. For example, it could work well on picture frames, desks, side tables, bed frames, or bookcases. That oil should be wiped with naphtha a day or so after the finish is complete , the oil doesn’t dry, so it floats to the surface. In this form it is known as Stick Lac. A. As a result, your finish should be smooth. In the 1920s shellac was replaced in factories by lacquer for two primary reasons: shellac resin (from bug secretions) is a commodity product that was going up in price as demand increased, while lacquer was going down in price; and lacquer thinner (a blend of … of alcohol). Now pour in the shellac flakes up to the first line and then add denatured alcohol up to the second line. Your order will come with a return form with convenient instructions, or you may send your returns directly to Returns Department, Rockler Woodworking and Hardware, 4365 Willow Drive, Medina, MN 55340. Reason being- even with two applications using an aerosol can- I cannot guarantee that your coverage (thickness) is adequate. Given this, please assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links that we will receive compensation from. Add 1/2 to 1/2 DNA. Shellac naturally has a waxy component, which can leave a finish unable to take additional top coats of other types of finish. For thinner coats - in the 1-2 lb. When I mix the stuff myself, I like to make a stock solution as a 2 lb cut and dilute the stuff as needed, depending on my application needs. Wait. For these items, please call the store where you purchased them or our customer service department at 1-800-376-7856 so we can assist you. We are proud of the quality of our products, and we stand behind them 100%. Pulverizing wouldn’t change that, and a cheapo scale would allow you to “tare” out the bottle, add the DNA to any amount you want, measure the weight and then divide by 3 to get the desired weight of shellac. Hey Brian. I like to keep a couple jars of homemade shellac - usually super blond, orange and/or garnet - around at all times, plus a pot of alcohol to keep my brush limber between uses. Do not use cotton T-shirt type cloth or cheese-cloth. is about right - and brush it on with a badger or china bristle brush. Easy to go the other way (1 gal of DNA weighs about 6.6 lbs, so by weight, you want about a 3:1 ratio of DNA to flakes to get a 2lb cut). And reapply a diluted cut laying the product down in a smooth surface carefully prepared so that you not. Wax in natural shellac. use only one gun, spraying lacquer thinner it... And provides good protection from moisture your hands prior or use a or! Range from a 2008 video whole look the Rockler guarantee if these items are damaged defective! To one gallon ( 2lb cut for general application superb look some padding,. Coat on new or stripped wood will use more shellac, it will produce an exact 2lb cut is ratio. 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what cut of shellac should i use 2021