Six fat tunes from B.L.O.T | Basic Love Of Things via Gaurav Malaker.
“The process of signing to a label, and the ensuing wait prior to release can take quite a while but it certainly beats (and is definitely more rewarding than) this new Facebook release culture”
“We have so much dissonance in our lives, so why add to that?”
“Complicating simple music is what a lot of people try to do these days, but I’d rather have my most disparate thoughts connect with each other so that they’re easier for others to understand.”
SpaceJams up North tearing it down.
M.MAT doesn’t sleep much these days.
MMAT (Bhavishyavani Future Soundz) Born in the late 70’s in Nantes, France, Mathieu (aka M.Mat) discovered electronic music in the mid-90’s through the rave-scene, the minimal and funky techno. Joined forces with the Bhavishyavani Crew in the early 2000’s.